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Mr. M.G.Mohan Kumar - B.Sc., LLB, F.C.A., Licentiate ICSI

Mobile No: +91-98440 11940
Email Id
Qualified as Chartered Accountant in 1984 and was employed with M/s. Kumbhat & Co., Chartered Accountants, Bengaluru for about 5 years. Served as Director – Finance of Deccan Aviation Ltd. Founder partner of the firm in 1986. Presently in full time practice as partner of the firm. Also Director on the Board of several companies.

Mr. Sridhar Krishnamurthy - B.Com., F.C.A

Mobile No: +91-98440 11941
Email Id
Qualified as Chartered Accountant in 1985 and was employed with M/s. Price Waterhouse, Chartered Accountants, Bengaluru for a year. Founder partner of the firm in 1986. Also Director on the Board of several companies.

Mr. S.R.Chandrasekara Setty - B.Com., F.C.A, A.C.S

Mobile No: +91-98440 64515
Email Id
Qualified as Chartered Accountant in 1966. Employed for over 30 years with Karnataka State Finance Corporation [KSFC], a pioneer of state financial corporation in the country, in various capacities. Retired as Executive Director. Handled almost all portfolios of KSFC including project appraisals, merchant banking, sick unit rehabilitation and resource mobilization & Finance and Accounting functions. Joined as Partner of the firm in 1998. Presently in full time practice as Partner of the Firm. Also Director on the Board of several companies.

Mr. R. Surendra Kumar - B.Com., F.C.A.

Mobile No: +91-98860 87770
Email Id
Qualified as Chartered Accountant in the year 1998. Has rich corporate experience for over 20 years working in various MNC companies in different capacities. Worked in manufacturing, IT and Service industries in various companies including listed entities. Was a CFO for more than 10 years before taking up Practice. Practiced independently for 5 years before joining the firm. Joined as Partner of the firm in 2024. Presently in full time practice as a Partner of the firm.

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